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If Dreams Came True

All my life so many times
I have dreamed that I could fly
Like a bird so proud and free
Where there are no boundaries
Soaring through the endless blue
If dreams came true

I would spread my wings our wide
Let the wing song lift me high
Feel the breeze as it caressed my face
And my cares just drifted away
In my heart of hearts I know
I have been there once before
Close my eyes and in a moment's time
I would find the joy I knew
If dreams came true

Far above the world I'd fly
Shining wings against the sky
Where the air is fresh and sweet
And at last I'm free
Oh,how gracefully I'd climb
Through the clouds into the light
To a place that's bright and new
If dreams came true

Grazing at the distant sky
Have you dreamed that you cloud fly
Felt the breeze as it caressed your face
And your cares just drifted away
In my heart of hearts I see
This was always meant to be
Clouse your eyes and with your hand in mine
I would fly away with you
If dreams came true

Far above the world we'd fly
Shining wings against the sky
Where the air is fresh and sweet
And at last we're free
Oh,how gracefully we'd climb
Through the clouds into the light
To a place that's bright and new
If dreams came true..







  • 黑豆: 垃圾GoDaddy!
  • APANG: 太难受了!呜哇!
  • 塑芬: 亏的不是钱 而是运行商的良心!
  • 小立: 还有第六感的电子版么?
  • 核桃: 超屌哦
  • 黑豆: 距上次留言竟然时隔近8年,百感交集,感慨万千,路过踩一下!
  • 蜜豆: 太好啦,謝謝你(^з^)-☆ 沒想到還得到其他人的協助,麻煩你替...
  • 蜜豆: 那麼多年沒出現,頭像還能一直維持,不需要密碼啥的,太贊了
  • 蜜豆: 出現一下~~這個留言板最新的留言居然是2017年的所以還能用嗎?...
  • Askook: 被甜到了






